Sunday, September 25, 2011

Were we really that cool?

When I think about to my childhood I think back on some of the great debates we would have. Who was cooler Han or Luke? Who was the best jedi? Who was cooler Spock or McCoy? Which cars were faster hot wheels or matchbox? Who was a better baseball player Brett or Reggie? We would get together and watch movies on the vcr and eat popcorn and talk about Star wars and the alike. I wonder if I would look as fondly back if we would of been "blogging"? I remember getting into fights over some of those very questions. Kids today can get on their computers and bash each other without really knowing one another. Is this really cool? Then I think, we are truly losing ourselves. As we get more and more "advanced" are we really that much more advanced or are we deevolving? My wife and I had a debate about crime and the "old west" it was interesting and intense at times. Doesnt that entensity get lost in a keyboard? Is this what we really want from our kids? To be less involved. I have grown to love all of all of the technology that is out that there, but I also know what it was like to not have it either...

Eddie Parker

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

To blog or not to blog...

I think this would be a great way to communicate with parents and students, especially when it comes to missing assignments and projects that might be done in class. Although it has its drawbacks, I think with some diligence and editing it could be a great resource to use in the classroom.I do think there needs to be some limitations on who and what can be posted to the blogs. Sometimes even a good idea can become a bad idea.


Real History

When the truth becomes legend, print the legend...